Tuesday, March 24, 2009


(Saturday, March 14)

We made a last minute decision to go back to the Hakone area with my coworker Kevin, his wife Hiromi, and their daughter Mia to go to the Yunnesun. The Yunnesun is a hot springs resort that is family friendly, so most of the resort requires a bathing suit. We took the trains back to the Odawara and then took a bus to the Yunnesun. We did not get there until around 1:30 pm or so, but we first checked into our lodging for the night at the nearby B&B, so we could drop off our bags.

The Yunnesun is really cool and included three different areas. There were two co-ed areas that required bathing suits, and then a separated male and female area that did not (traditional onsen). The first area had a bunch of themed hot spring pools like coffee, green tea, sake, red wine, and charcoal, and a few regular hot spring pools. The coffee pool was my favorite, but the green tea pool was a close second. The coffee pool smelled just like fresh roasted coffee and was brown in color. We stayed in it for the fresh coffee dumping that had been brewing for an hour or so. It was quite refreshing and woke you right up. The green tea pool was nice because it has a pleasant smell with the green tea constantly being pumped into the pool. Green tea is supposedly good for your skin. The sake pool was interesting since they had a barrel that was dripping real sake into the water flowing into the pool. The red wine pool left a lot up to the imagination. It did not really smell like red wine and was disappointing.

The other co-ed area was mostly indoors except for the three waterslides and wading pool with waterfalls outside. The indoor area had a huge Mediterranean themed pool that was fun to play around in. There was a dead sea pool that was very salty and was hard to sink in. You just floated on top without any effort. There was a honey pool which was a lot of fun and smelled very sweet. There was a strawberry pool which was okay, but did not really smell like strawberries. We even got the chance to have our dead skin eaten off by fish in a small little pool. It was intense and ticklish at the same time with the 40 or so small fish that would be munching on your foot. The waterslides on the outside were awesome, but by the time we got out there it was dark and cold outside. You walked up those steps to the slide very fast prior to getting into the warm water and going down the slide.

With only 45 minutes left prior to the last shuttle bus to take us back to the B&B we went into the traditional onsen portion of the Yunnesun. I went in to the boys side with Kevin while Denise, Mia, and Hiromi went in the girls side. Most of the hot spring pools were outdoors. We tried out most of them with the ones further away from the building being the hottest. We sat in bucket ones which was kinda fun. I really enjoyed the one with the waterfall. I just hung out there for about 15 minutes letting all my worries go away.

We ended up missing the last shuttle bus, but it was a quick and easy walk back to the B&B. We got a good deal on the B&B and now I know why. It is more of a glorified hostel with individual twin bed rooms. Denise and I had separate rooms right next to each other. The room I was staying in had been used by someone rather large before me because the springs were broken in the middle. I tried to sleep on the outer edges of the bed, but it was difficult. Eventually early in the morning, I joined Denise in her twin bed and I was able to get a few hours of good sleep next to my lovely wife.

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